The last event of the CCRC on the water was the Commodore’s “Bender”. This took place in splendid sunny though cool weather and was all round Chichester Harbour. We wove our way around all the racing dinghies in a treasure hunt arranged by Commodore Pam and Richard. Much fun was taken with the mental challenges of identifying buoy names by anagram, cryptic clue or photograph; determining charted depths at particular locations; doing bearings on Chichester Cathedral spire resolved down to True bearings; and spotting other assorted objects. Then came a further challenge of modelling a harbour seal in plasticine!
When done most boats rafted up on the Emsworth Visitor pontoon for some quick tea and cake in the sun before dashing back to our berths before the wind came in. Then it was G&Ts before dinner at the “Drift” restaurant. Here the answer sheets scores were announced and model seals judged in order to allocate the prizes including the infamous Clock’s Back Clock.