A welcome talk for all new cruiser racers, with lighthearted RO/PRO duty training for existing members (ISC Members will be welcome and encouraged to attend via mailing ) This one hour talk will focus on cruiser racing includes: racing rules, rolling starts, course setting, and tactics to encourage pairing of Skippers & Crew.
Guests from three local universities will also attend to ensure fully crewed boats for Season 2024. There will be 30 minutes networking either side of the 11am talk for crew to find the best boats and the best boats to find the best crew. Coffee from 10.30.
Afterwards you are welcome to stay on for lunch at Itchenor Sailing Club but this must be booked.
For further details and to book click here: https://www.itchenorsc.co.uk/event/talk-hosted-by-ccrc-race-officer-duties-and-why-cruiser-racers-have-more-fun