The race for Sunday was postponed due to even stronger winds being forecast. Nevertheless all moved on to Cowes under sail or engine where an excellent dinner was held at Island Sailing Club.
Next morning dawned calm and sunny so the fleet headed out for the start of the postponed race. Light winds, a tide soon to turn against us and the forecast of worsening weather later in the day made a almost direct course back to Chi, just leaving Cambrian Wreck to port, was set. The race started almost dead downwind so spinnakers and cruising chutes were quickly raised. Then the wind became contrary with different strengths and directions for each part of the fleet as they tried different tactics.
On Intrepid we just left Ryde Sands post to starboard only to then get pushed back by the tide; leaving it to port while going backwards! Then with the wind veering further and lifting slightly we passed it again. As the shadow of the Isle of Wight was left the wind came up more and the fleet made good speed towards Cambrian Wreck where the race was shortened.