Programme of Races & Events

The latest programme of Yacht Races (including associated socials) and Race Instructions plus as other CCRC events or those of related clubs.
Refer also to the CCRC Documents page for further information.

For season positions, series and individual race results see the new Results page. Non-CCRC race results may be on this page.
CCRC Programme for the year:
Race No.
26/01/2025  10:30
Winter Race Briefing - Cruiser Racing rules - basics, and latest RYA updates 2025-2028
15/02/2025  16:30
Winter Race Briefing - Sails and how to make the boat go faster
09/03/2025  10:30
Winter Race Briefing - Summary Talk on Race Officer and Principal Race Officer DutiesEvent Booking
05/04/2025  14:00
Bay Race and Fitting Out Supper at HISC
19/04/2025  12:30
Passage Race to Gosport
Berth at Haslar Marina
Hornet SC Dinner with Prize Giving
20/04/2025  11:00
Passage Race
Berth at Haslar Marina
21/04/2025  11:30
Passage Race to Chi
03/05/2025  13:00
Passage Race to Cowes
Berth at Shepards Marina
Dinner at Shepards Clubhouse
04/05/2025  11:00
Passage Race to Portsmouth
Berth at Royal Clarence Marina
05/05/2025  11:00
Passage Race to Chi
Bay Race
Bay Race
24/05/2025  10:00
Passage Race to Hamble
Berth at Port Hamble
Dinner at RAF YC
25/05/2025  10:00
Passage Race to Beaulieu
Berth at Gins Clubhouse
Dinner at Gins Clubhouse
26/05/2025  10:00
Passage Race to Chi
Round The Island Race
14/06/2025  11:00
Passage Race to Wootton Creek
Berth at Royal Victoria Pontoon
Lunch at Royal Victoria YC
14/06/2025  15:30
Passage Race to Portsmouth
Berth at Gunwharf Quay
15/06/2025  11:00
Passage Race to Chi
28/06/2025  11:00
Passage Race to Bembridge
BBQ at Duver Marina
BBQ at Duver Marina
29/06/2025  14:00
Passage Race to Chi
Start of CCRC Cruise
Berth at Yarmouth Harbour
Bay Race & ESSC Regatta
Bay Race
Bay Race & Bosham SC Weekend
Bay Race & Bosham SC Weekend
Bay Race HISC Sparkes Trophy
Bay Race HISC Nab Cup
Passage Race
Passage Race